Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pool covers Aren't Only For Maintaining the Pool's Cleanliness.

A pool cover does more than merely keep debris out of your pool.

Summer has arrived and with it the promise of warm days swimming and breaking out the swimwear and accessories.

Anyone who has his own swimming pool should get a pool cover. It may come as a surprise for you to learn that pool covers do much more than keep your pool free of debris. In addition, covering your swimming pool could be a life-saver. Now isn't that an incredible thing to say?

Let me tell you the story about my 2-year old and our above-ground swimming pool. Pool covers do not just keep the water clean.

My two-year old has a love affair with water ‚bath water, rainwater, water in a puddle and even water coming out of our sprinkler system. Maybe he was a fish in a past life‚ I really do not know. As I know is he loves the water very much that my wife and I thought it will give him unending and boundless joy if we have our own an above-ground pool.
And we headed to the store and purchased an above-ground pool set-up.

My son was ecstatic! Please go and look at his pictures. He was already in the pool even as we were filling it. He was simply delighted, and we were able to capture it with JPEG. He even has a picture while holding the water hose to his face to cool himself as he waits for the pool to fill up. It is refreshing to see so much joy and happiness.

So we had the pool all set up in our yard and after a couple of hours in the water, we had to carry our protesting son out of the pool. To appease him, we told him the pool wasn't going anywhere.

The following morning, I told my wife and kid goodbye, as usual, and went to work. It was still dawn, so my wife and son went back to bed ‚ or so they believed. She had fallen back to sleep, not knowing that our son was too excited to sleep another wink and had decided to slip out of the room to go for a swim!

The pool cover prevented what could have been a deadly accident. It is true, pool covers because we use 2 covers for above ground pool. You can get mesh covers that are only good to keep leaves and such out of the pool, or you can get a total pool cover.

After purchasing the debris catching type pool cover in error, I bought one of the full pool covers also. I had to buy a real pool cover soon after that. Sure I could have just returned the one I mistakenly bought, but I figured there will be times when we don't want to cover the pool and yet want to keep leaves and debris out. That is how we ended up with two pool covers.

When he could not get the pool cover off he went back to his son, the pool cover was secured in place by rope running along the whole width of the cover and knotted at the end, so he decided to sit by the pool and make sure it did not go anywhere. Kids‚ where do they get their thinking processes from?

Anyway, most pool covers for above-ground pools have a rope going all around it so you could tighten it over the edge of the pool, but I bet pool covers for in-ground pools will also have some safety mechanism to make sure that a two-year old will not be able to remove it so he could jump right into the water unsupervised.

The optimal thing you can do is to ensure that you evaluate the pool covers which will provide your swimming pool with the most safety. If at all, just make sure only an adult can get it off the pool.

Related Article on pool covers